North Idaho College
Professor of Mathematics: August 2009-June 2024
North Idaho College (NIC), Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Teach 15-19 credits each semester with an average class size of 18-20 students
Teaching list: Math in Modern Society (A quantitative literacy course), Beginning, Intermediate and College Algebra, Trigonometry, Pre Calculus, Calculus and Analytical Geometry I, II, and III, Ordinary Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Mathematics of Aesthetics of Musical Tuning
Create an innovative interdisciplinary course, “Mathematics and Aesthetics of Musical Tuning” based on 15 years of private research, authorship of textbook in progress (Classical Academic Press)
Work as a team to create topic-driven exam review sessions open to all students instead of separate reviews by class, resulting in saving 2.5 hours of pre-finals-week prep time per faculty member, and 61% reduction in redundant duplication of physical resources
Service, commitee work and outreach
Advise students in life and study skills, career paths, and mathematical understanding
Establish interdisciplinary Faculty Colloquium Series, increasing faculty collaboration by 5 hours per semester, qualitatively improving morale
Hiring committee member for Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering Division as needed
Assist in planning and running the annual NIC high school math competition
Academic Standards and Appeals Committee, 2019-2023
Division Representative on North Idaho College Curriculum Council for two terms: 2013-2019
Co-chair Outreach Committee: works for better integration of services at branch campuses with those at the main campus, 2010-2013
Selection committee member and liaison to North Idaho College for NASA ORBIT STEM scholarship through the Idaho Space Grant Consortium: 2013-15
North Idaho College Engineering Club advisor: 2013-14
Build interactive mathematics models of Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, and the Quadrivium (historical Number Theory, Musical Tuning and Geometry). This led to contract work for Pearson Publishing
Lead an independent student study group on Greek mathematics
Re-sequence Calculus subjects improving comprehension by 10-20%
Data Science project: tutoring logs for the NIC Math Education Center
Analysis of complex data: financial, educational, musical
Publish and present at many conferences, often by invitation