Academic Presentations and Talks Given
North Idaho College Mathematics Education Center Effectiveness
Spring 2024 (Visualizations and Oral presentation) Time-series visualization of usage and correlation to grades.
Quadrivial Matters: Integrated Chesterton Academies Math Curriculum in the Seven Liberal Arts Tradition, Chesterton Schools Network Conference, Summer 2023 (Successful white paper and private oral presentation to Chesterton Schools Network stakeholders)
Archimedean Spirals and Rational Approximation (of Irrational Numbers), Washington State AMATYC conference, Spring 2021 (Oral presentation with slides and interactive models)
Students’ Attitudes Affect Learning in Calculus I: an innovative teaching practice mirroring the historic order of development by presenting derivatives before limits, virtual National AMATYC conference, Fall 2020 (Oral presentation with slides)
Mathematics of Musical Tuning and Temperament, Washington State AMATYC conference, Spring 2018 (Oral presentation with slides and interactive models)
Accepted annual invitation to present a session on a math topic of my choice at the Spring STEM Expo hosted by the North Idaho College Engineering Club. Past topics included:
Physics vs Perception of Sound -Spring 2016,
Exhibit: Misc. Mathematical Models of Interesting Phenomena -Spring 2017,
Completion and Closure: A history of Number Types -Spring 2018,
Visualization and Audiolization of Sequences -Spring 2019