DATA Projects
As a creative type, I almost always have many irons in the fire. As such, I regard all projects as in process and am always circling back to add another feature or retest them for bugs. Below you will see a list of what I have as well as what I am working on. In some cases, if I feel something is polished enough to share, I have included a hyperlink to the file itself. In other cases, the project is either too green or the data is protected. If you like what you see, have an idea for an improvement, or are interested in commissioning a project please contact me. I always appreciate feedback.
Real Estate vs the Stock Market, A longview
This is a Mocrosoft Excel spreadsheet template for comparing home ownership with renting and investing equity instead. It can also be used to compare a rental investment property with a market investment. The model begins from the assumption that you own a home already and are curious to predict its appreciation over time as compared with market assumptions.
You can enter hypothetical or actual data at the monthly scale. Options include: extra payments, insurance and property tax rates, homeowner’s exemption amount, sales market rates , repair and improvement costs, tax and realtor fee rates upon sale, stock market rates, and rental rates.
Auto-calculated fields also run at the monthly scale and include: P&I, escrow, interest savings from extra payments, basis calculation for taxes, homeowners exemption adjustments, effective market rate if you were to view your house like an investment and sell.
This is a Python/Excel/VBA workbook which also processes financial data from savings, credit cards, and business accounts, insert metatags to sort into categories and subcategories, options for flagging outlier expenses and exclusion of particular values. Includes table look-ups.
(Link to the Excel file Coming soon)