Ongoing Professional Development
Self-paced courses:
Various data science tools
Machine Learning
Introduction to Neural Networks
Programming with Python
Introduction to Algorithms
Algorithms and Data Structures
Conference: Washington Association of Mathematics for Two Year Colleges 2010-2023
Locations vary
Attended and/or presented for this conference 4 times, dates vary
Took particular interest in keynote address, “Exploding Dots” by Dr. James Tanton which led to private research into the Collatz Conjecture using musical models
Workshop: Teaching and Learning with AI Spring 2023
Boise State University
Discussion and collaboration, practicing with Chat-GPT
Conference: National Association of Mathematics for Two Year Colleges Fall 2020
Online, presented
Class: Teach Students How to Learn parts 1 and 2 2019- 2020
Three credits from Northwest Nazarene University
Based on a book Teach Students How to Learn by Dr. Sandra McGuire
Workshop: JEDIBL Inquiry Based Learning, a modern relabel of a classical approach Summer 2020
Academy of Inquiry Based Learning
Four-week workshop
Discussed project based learning vs. test based learning
Formulated potential benefits: development of reasoning skills, reduction of test anxiety
Course audit: Programming Languages Spring 2019
North Idaho College
Workshop: BlackBoard Learning Management Systems (LMS) Fall 2012
Professional Development credits from North Idaho College
Self-paced four week class
Class: General Education Workshop 2010-2011
One credit from the University of Idaho
Defining and improving outcomes in developmental and early college courses
Course based on a book, Brain Rules by Dr. John Medina
Workshop: College Readiness Retreat Fall 2008
Washington Center, Evergreen State College, North Bend WA
Two-day retreat, not specific to mathematics, but rather any remediation
Curriculum Development: K-12 integrated Geometry and Visual Arts Spring 2006
Idaho State Board of Education, Boise ID
Two credits from Northwest Nazarene University
Assisted in developing curriculum for use in the K-12 classroom through the State of Idaho
Grant funded
Participated by invitation